The Early Years
When Lt. Col. Dean Alexander retired from the United States Air Force in 1979, he and his wife Nanella purchased a gourmet popcorn franchise in a San Antonio, Texas shopping mall. They chose the company name by combining their own names
(Dean + Nan = Deanan). Over the next several years, they bought and sold several retail locations.
This allowed them to work together and involve the three of their five children still living at home.
Dean & Nanella Alexander
Founders of Deanan Gourmet Popcorn

Opportunity Kept Popping Up
In 1987, a new program was developed on a trial basis - fundraising. This program grew from one small country school selling our products in San Antonio, Texas, to over 1,000 customers statewide. The program was so successful that after several years the retail stores were sold, allowing the company to focus all of its attention on the fundraising and business gift programs.
Deanan Today
Today, Deanan is a nationwide provider of gourmet popcorn for fundraising, grocery store chains as well as a provider of great-tasting gifts.
Still family-owned and family-operated, Deanan provides the same personal service, attention to detail, and great-tasting products that were the cornerstones of Dean and Nanella's little popcorn operation back in 1979. The main difference is that now Deanan gourmet popcorn is well-known and available nationwide, through the education network, retailers and with the help of the Internet!
Our Secret....(Shhhhh!)
Family Recipes
All the flavors we sell are our own recipes, developed in our factory kitchen and extensively tested. But that's not the entire story. Truly great recipes start with truly great ingredients.
In the spring, we purchase tons of mushroom popcorn, then ship it by truckloads to be stored in a cold storage facility until needed. This cold storage preserves the moisture in our popcorn so it can pop into the large "mushroom" kernel. Every day. The determination to use only the finest ingredients reflect our passion for quality products and extraordinary customer service.
Mushrooms AND Butterflies
We used to think that mushrooms were always better than butterflies!
Our customers have educated us. Sure, we liked life when it was simple. But, simple doesn’t always create the very best experience. So, we went back to the drawing board, opened up our minds, listened to our customers, and made some changes.
We still think mushroom popcorn makes the very best sweet flavored corn. Coating that big round ball of delicious corn with even more delicious, crunchy flavor just works. It creates the perfect balance of soft white crunch and bursting flavor.
But, for our savories, the crunch needs to be a little more tender. And, we found that the nooks and crannies that come with butterfly popcorn, are a perfect niche to capture cheesy and buttery flavors. Our gently tumbling process allows all the nooks and crannies to stay in place and keep every morsel of cheesiness. Or butteriness.
So, we tested this new-to-us idea on our staff and families. When we reached mmmmm-MMM!, we knew we had found our best butterflies.
Now, we’ve found Nirvana, and put it in each bag of popcorn you buy from Deanan!